In this section, some Goh's offensive and defensive gameplay stategies will be outlined. As additional strategies are discovered, they will be shared here.

On the Offensive

To be added...

Playing Defensively: Goh the turtle

On the defensive, Goh can rely on his sabakis

To be added...

Okizeme (anti-wakeup)

Compared with other characters, Goh's okizeme game is quite poor. Howeveer, that's not to say that he has none whatsoever!

A highly devastating anti-wakeup option is performing Goh's Knee (Tsukikage: ) at the very moment the grounded opponent goes for a rising attack. If successful, the opponent will be Major-Countered instead and be open to a Basara combo!! If the Basara fully connects, the opponent can kiss almost half their life (96 points) goodbye! However, the timing for this is extremely tight; so practice and practice till its second nature!

Contribution: Danny13

Against tech-rollers, Goh can use his or to trip up his opponents for

Rolling Goh!

A fun move in Goh's arsenal is the forward roll (). There are a few applications in which this can be used.

For offence, use it as an element of surprise to catch your opponent off-guard. For example, at the beginning of a round (not advisable, but once in a blue moon can be surprising). Alternatively, use it to close the distance between you and your opponent. At the end of the roll, apply a mix-up game of strikes or high/low throws.

For defense, after Goh whiffs a move and your opponent evades, or after a throw-escape, he can roll (a maximum of twice, by buffering the command during the first roll) away to safety.

A useful but difficult to apply situation in okizeme (anti-wakeup) games, is to use Offensive Movement to move to the downed opponents side or back, and then Forward Roll if you anticipate a rising attack. If timed correctly, the opponent's rising attack will whiff, and Goh is free to use either a Back-Turned or throw.

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